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Mercoledì, 30 Luglio 2014 16:13

Dio non va in ferie

Estate in oratorio sotto le stelle ...

La reliquia di San Vincenzo lascia Casagiove ...

Martedì, 29 Luglio 2014 09:07

21 luglio 2014 - Cresime

Tutte le immagini più belle della giornata con S.E. Salvatore Visco, Vescovo della Diocesi di Capua, con Padre John, Padre Scarpitta, Don Gennaro Fusco e alcuni membri del G.G.V.V.

lunedì 21 luglio 2014 - "A FEST E SAN VICIENZ" - Foto di Giuseppe Paolino.

Martedì, 29 Luglio 2014 09:42

20 luglio 2014 - Processione San Vincenzo

Rivivi tutte le emozioni più belle della Festa di San Vincenzo dè Paoli attraverso i nostri scatti. 

Martedì, 29 Luglio 2014 09:34

19 luglio 2014: giornata della carità

Casagiove, sabato 19 luglio 2014. "A FEST E SAN VICIENZ" - Sacramento unzione degli Infermi - Accoglienza CAROVANA EXODUS. Foto di Giuseppe Paolino.

Casagiove, venerdì 18 luglio 2014. SERATA DI EVANGELIZZAZIONE. For don Carlo IADICICCO, missionario in Amazzonia e ALAS DE ESPERANZA...viaggio nel mondo delle povertà - dal Sud al Sud. Foto di Giuseppe Paolino. Tutti i diritti riservati.

Lo staff dirigenziale della Pepsi S.p.a in visita all'Oratorio Maremoto, laboratori didattici, attività ludiche per 1000 bambini

Lunedì, 11 Febbraio 2013 10:50

HotStart Installation (with Demo)

Once you finish this installation method, you should get exactly the same copy of this Demo site on your server. Let's start!

  1. Unzip file "" from the archive you downloaded after purchase. Unzip this archive to your computer.
  2. Using FTP software (such as FileZilla) upload all files and folders to your hosting space. Make sure that folder where you uploaded files is writable by server (chmod 755 or 777).
  3. In browser, open address (change "" with your site address, change "joomla" with folder name where you uploaded files, if you uploaded files to the root folder, you don't need this).
  4. Select your language and click Next.
  5. The installer will check your server to find out if it's compatible with Joomla. If you see any parts marked red, please contact your hosting provider to resolve the problem. If all items are green, you can click Next.
  6. You can read Joomla License and click Next.
  7. You should enter MySQL database connection parameters now. Please enter Host Name (usually "localhost"), username, password and database name and click Next. If you get error message, please check database parameters. If you don't know correct parameters, please contact your hosting provider.
  8. On FTP Configuration page, you can enter parameters of your FTP server. This is not necessary and can be entered later, if needed. So, just click Next.
  9. On Main Configuration screen you should enter Site Name, e-mail and administrator's username and password (twice). Click Install Sample Data button. (Otherwise, demo content won't be imported). Once you get "Sample data installed successfully" message, you may click Next.
  10. As the Finish screen says, please remove "installation" folder from your server (use FTP software).
  11. Congratulations, you are done! Click Site button to see your site's frontend, or Admin to see site's backend (login required with username and password that you selected during installation).
Lunedì, 11 Febbraio 2013 10:50

Standard Installation (Template Without Demo)

After you accomplish this method of template installation, your site won't look as our demo. You will probably need a lot of customizations after installation, therefore we strongly recommend you to use HotStart installation method.

  1. Unzip file "" from archive you downloaded after purchase.
  2. In your Joomla admin panel, go Extensions > Extension Manager. See Image 1.
  3. Click <Browse> button and locate file "" on your computer. Click <Upload & Install> button. See Step Image 2.
  4. Once the file has been uploaded on your server, you would get a message as on this image. See Image 3.
  5. Go Extensions > Template Manager, select "hot_chruchly - Default" from the list and click Default icon (star in the right column). See Image 4.
  6. Check site frontend. Now you should see your website with a new template.

After the installation procedure, you won't get your website look as this Demo. Maybe you'd need to change positions of your modules according to Module Positions guide and change parameters in some of your menus. We strongly recommend the HotStart installation.

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