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Extensions (6)

Mercoledì, 26 Giugno 2013 15:28

Hot Newsflash

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Do you need some articles of your website to stand out of the others? Here it comes our fully configurable, featured articles rotator, based on jQuery. In module parameters, you have control over module display. You can change module width, height, border, all colors. You can add internal or external link to each image in rotation. So, don't have to mention only articles from your site.


Open module parameters in Extensions > Module Manager > HOT Newsflash. You'll see that some default parameters are already there. However, you should change some of them to accomodate module for usage on your site.

  • LOAD JQUERY: Select wheter to load jQuery library or not. If your template already loads it, you may disable this to avoid possible javascript errors.
  • MODULE WIDTH: Overall module width. If you have border, overall width will be higher for border width (x2). Height of the module depends of images height (set this below).
  • BACKGROUND COLOR: Background color of the text area in hexadecimal format (in example ffffff). You may use Color Blender to get values if you don't have software, such as Photoshop.
  • BORDER WIDTH: Border width is numerical value in pixels. Type only number (in example 3).
  • BORDER COLOR: Color of the border line in hexadecimal format (in example 000000).
  • NUMBER OF ARTICLES: How many featured articles you'd like to show. Select number 1-5.
  • DISPLAY READ MORE LINKS: Enable/disable "read more" links. They are not necessary as articles' headers are linked.
  • READ MORE LINK TEXT: Text for "read more" links (if they are enabled above).
  • TABS WIDTH: Width of the tabs that are used to rotate between articled. Height of the tabs are calculated automatically.
  • TABS BACKGROUND COLOR (REGULAR, HOVER, ACTIVE): Color of the tabs' background in hexadecimal format.
  • TABS FONT COLOR (REGULAR, HOVER, ACTIVE): Color of the tabs' font in hexadecimal format.
  • FOLDER WHERE IMAGES ARE STORED: Type folder (relative to Joomla root) where your images are stored. Don't include leading or trailing slash (in example you may enter images/stories).
  • WIDTH OF THE IMAGES: Self explanatory.
  • HEIGHT OF THE IMAGES: Self explanatory. It also determines overall module height.
  • HEADING OF ARTICLE: Please type heading of the article here.
  • LINK TO ARTICLE PAGE: Please type link to the full article here, starting with http://. You can use internal or external links (internal link example, or external link If you don't type a link, heading and image would be displayed without link.
  • ARTICLE INFO TEXT: Please type short article information text for each featured article. HTML code allowed here.
  • IMAGE NAMES: Image name with extension (in example articles.jpg).
Mercoledì, 26 Giugno 2013 15:17

Hot Joomla Carousel

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Need to display your images as a carousel? Easily done with our new Joomla extension.

Hot Joomla Carousel is a simple Joomla module that will help you to show your photos in a carousel style. You can see how it works on this demo site. Usage is very simple. You need to enter path to your images and your carousel is ready.


Open module parameters in Extensions > Module Manager > Hot Joomla Carousel. You'll see that some default parameters are already there. However, you should change some of them to accomodate module for usage on your site.

  • LOAD JQUERY: Select wheter to load jQuery library or not. If your template already loads it, you may disable this to avoid possible javascript errors.
  • FOLDER: Where your images are stored, relative to Joomla root directory.
  • OVERALL WIDTH OF MODULE: Overall width of module in pixels (in example 200)
  • OVERALL WIDTH OF MODULE: Overall height of module in pixels (in example 150)
  • NUMBER OF IMAGES ON SCREEN: Number of images that will be shown on screen at the same time (in example 5)
  • WIDTH OF IMAGES: Width of images in carousel in pixels (in example 128)
  • HEIGHT OF IMAGES: Height of images in carousel in pixels (in example 128)
  • MARGIN BETWEEN TWO IMAGES: Distance beween two neighbor images in pixels (in example 10)
  • PADDING BETWEEN BORDER AND IMAGE: Padding beween image borders and images in pixels (in example 2)
  • BORDER WIDTH: Width of borders of images in pixels (in example 2)
  • BORDER COLOR: Color of borders of images in hexadecimal format (in example 000000)
  • SHOW PAGINATION: Select whether to display linked numbers of carousel pages or not
  • AUTOSLIDE: Select whether to change images automatically or not
  • AUTOSLIDE INTERVAL: Time in milliseconds between change of slides (only if autoslide enabled)
  • SELECT TRANSITION EFFECT: Select slide or fade transition effect
  • ANIMATION SPEED: Select speed of transition animation
  • DIRECTION OF IMAGES: Select horizontal to display images in a row, or select vertical to display images in a column
  • TRANSITION LOOP: Select whether to show transition of images in loop or not
Mercoledì, 26 Giugno 2013 15:16

Hot Joomla Gallery

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Hot Joomla Gallery module is incorporated in this template. You can see how it works on this demo site. Usage is very simple. You need to enter path to your images and your gallery is ready. Control other parameters to make your gallery works better with your theme.

Hot Joomla Gallery module by is a fully configurable, simple gallery module, based on jQuery.

In module parameters, you have control over module display. You can enable or disable image descriptions. It's possible to change number of thumbnails. Images can be shown in "per name" or random order. Slide duration is configurable as well. Module colors are configurable. Unlike our other extensions, here you can't change module width and height. Module width and height are set automatically, based on resolutions of your images. So, please prepare images in a folder before publishing this module.


Open module parameters in Extensions > Module Manager > HOT Joomla Gallery. You'll see that some default parameters are already there. However, you should change some of them to accomodate module for usage on your site.

  • LOAD JQUERY: Select wheter to load jQuery library or not. If your template already loads it, you may disable this to avoid possible javascript errors.
  • FOLDER: Where your images are stored, relative to Joomla root directory.
  • ENTER DATA: Fill this only if you need photos with description text. Otherwise, leave this empty and photos will be shown without description.
  • SHUFFLE IMAGES: Select whether to randomize images order or not.
  • TIMER: How long one photo will stay on screen. Time is in milliseconds.
  • AUTO-SLIDE: Select whether to rotate photos automatically or not.
  • GALLERY COLOR: Enter module's border color.
  • ACTIVE THUMBNAIL BORDER: Border color of active thumbnail image.
  • DESCRIPTION TEXT COLOR: Self explanory.
Mercoledì, 26 Giugno 2013 14:59

Hot Film Tape

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We are witnesses of the flood of responsive web sites. Those sites are made to be useful on all kind of devices, from desktop computers to mobile phones. It's not enough to have only a template that's responsible. If you are about to use modules on the responsive website, those modules must be responsive as well. Hot Film Tape is on of such modules because it supports the responsive mode. In this mode, this module automatically resizes itself in order to fit the available screen space as good as possible. If you are not a fan of responsive websites, you can turn this feature off in the module settings.

So, what Hot Film Tape does and what's its purpose for your site. Let's explain that in several sentences. This is endless carousel that scrolls slides from right to left. You can have up to 20 slides (it easy to modify the module to extend it's capacity though) and each slide is presented as a "slot" in the module parameters. Each slot can contain any HTML content that you enter using WYSIWYG editor (such as JCE or TinyMCE) or using plain text editor (if you are familiar with HTML). Therefore, each slot can contain literally anything you can think of. You can put text, images, YouTube movies or anything else inside the slides. You can even make combination, in example, the first slot with text, the second with image, the third with a movie and the fourth with text and images. Content of the Hot Film Tape is completely up to you.

All buyers of Hot template will get Hot Film Tape module FREE (regular price is $15).

Lunedì, 06 Maggio 2013 14:46

Hot Full Carousel

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Hot Full Carousel is Joomla module that acts as an endless carousel. It can occupy entire space of the screen, no matter how big it is. What's achieved by this? Well, users with higher screen resolution usually have a lot of empty space when visiting a website that has a regular width. This Carousel can span the entire horizontal space making the site more interesting. User can oversee the slide that's about to come, and also those that's passed over the screen recently. Using the navigation, user's able to browse through the slides. There are several types of easing that can be applied to the scrolling animation. Also, some or all slides from the set can be linked. It's possible to have up to 20 slides in the rotation (more is not recommended because it could slow down site). For every slide we have a "slot" in the module parameters where we can assign image, heading, text and optionally link.

This module should be placed in a container that has width set to 100%. If you are using another template, make sure that's your case, otherwise, the module won't be able to occupy the entire space. If you are developing your template using Sparky Framework, you can make a row, add a class name of your choice to it, and then give set this class' width to 100% by editing CSS stylesheet. However, in Hot Cinema template everything is pre-configured, so you don't have to worry about it (especially if you installed the template using the HotStart method).

We believe you will find this module useful for your site!

All buyers of Hot template will get Hot Full Carousel module FREE (regular price is $15).

Lunedì, 06 Maggio 2013 14:46

Hot Maps

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View Larger Map

Google Maps Module

hot mapsThe most popular online maps service today is certainly Google Maps. This service covers the entire globe. Allmost all places and addresses throughout the world are included in this giant online world map. Modern websites often use free maps from Google to show where the company is located or how to find the company's offices. Travel websites can use maps to show destinations they offer for vacation trips.

Hot Maps module has been created to allow webmasters to include any map from Google Maps inside Joomla website. Once you install the module and publish it in appropriate module positions, you should enter location that should be displayed (in example "Copacabana beach Brazil") and set dimensions (width and height) of the map. That's it. Your map is ready! There's not need to register or copy any code.

In addition, you can include pre-text and post-text (HTML allowed) that will be displayed above and below the map. Also, you can include link to the full map (hosted on Google). Finally, you can select whether to show graphical map or satellite image of the location.

Google Maps Plugin

Installation of the plugin is straightforward and should be done through Joomla Extensions Manager (Extensions > Install/Uninstall). After installation, you should go to the Plugin Manager (Extensions > Plugin Manager) to publish the plugin. Now you are ready to start using the plugin in Joomla content pages.

When you create/edit any page, in place where you'd like a map to be shown, you should add this code:

{*hotmaps}paris eiffel tower,300,200{/hotmaps*}

Important: Please remove asterisks (*) from the above sample! We put it there only to prevent changing the code with map.

Parameters (in the code itself):

LOCATION (in our example: paris eiffel tower): Enter a location, in example "paris eiffel tower" or address, in example "1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014" . Please use only letters and numbers! Don't use any special characters!
MAP'S WIDTH (in our example: 300): Enter width of the map's frame in pixels (in example 300).
MAP'S HEIGHT (in our example: 200): Enter height of the map's frame in pixels (in example 200).

Parameters of the plugin (in Extensions > Plugin Manager > Content - Hot Maps)

SATELLITE IMAGES: Select whether to show satellite image of the terrain or not.
DISPLAY LINK: Select whether to show link to the full map page (on
LINK TEXT: Enter the link's text.

All buyers of Hot template will get Hot Maps module and plugin FREE (regular price is $15).

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