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Martedì, 07 Maggio 2013 11:40

Module Positions

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module positions

This template has support for 14 module positions. All module positions are collapsible. If no modules are published on some module positions, those module positions will automatically collapse.

Sparky framework allows you to add more module positions (if you need them) easily with user-friendly drag and drop technology. To check this, open template parameters and go to the Layout Designer tab.

The image that you can see on the right side represents a "map" of all default module positions of Hot template.

Adding new positions and changing existing is easy with Sparky's Layout Editor

layout editor

Letto 14150 volte Ultima modifica il Venerdì, 21 Giugno 2013 11:19
Altro in questa categoria: « No Conflicts Drop-down Menu »
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