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Venerdì, 08 Febbraio 2013 11:41

SEO Friendly

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You don't need a nice website if Google can't index it and position it higher in search results.

All Hot Joomla Templates are well optimized for search engines. The template code is valid and passes W3C Markup Validation.

Unlike older versions, newer Joomla versions are well optimized for SEO out of the box. Joomla now use H1 and H2 tags for headings, allow you to enter descriptions for each page, make SEF links better and has many other advantages for semantic HTML code and better SEO. Joomla and our templates are the best combination for your better ranking!

Letto 14080 volte Ultima modifica il Venerdì, 08 Febbraio 2013 12:04
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